NLP Vancouver | Peace of mind in a mad mad world.

NLP Vancouver

You have transformed my life into something I could only have dreamed of - Gabrielle Halata

Welcome to NLP Vancouver

I'm glad you found me. Most people are referred to me by a friend after they see the results their friend has had. Others, like you, have found me online. Whatever way you found me, it is my privilege and honor to offer you relief from something you might be experiencing as wrong or not working for you in your life.

What is PTSD?

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is caused by experiencing a psychologically traumatic event involving death, the threat of death, or serious injury to yourself or others. Symptoms involve re-experiencing the event, changing sleep patterns, difficulty concentrating, aggression, nightmares, disturbing thoughts, anxiety, depression, distraction, irritability, full or partial loss of memory, nightmares, flashbacks, avoidance, emotional numbing, guilt, withdrawal, etc. more...

Take PTSD Assessment press here.

What's New?

I am starting to collect subjects for my research starting in the next 8 or so months. Please email me if you want to be included.

What is NLP?

NLP, or Neuro-Linguistic Programming, is the process of working with old memories that hold us back from achieving what we want in our lives. It is working with how a person structures their life experience (or their past) to enhance their future experience into something they want and desire. more...

For NLP resources, press here.


Many of my clients come and see me after spending many thousands of dollars and even more of their time on many different therapies without resolution. They continue to suffer and live with their emotional pain. Many times these vary therapists claim their patient's unsolvable problems are related to something in their head.

I agree, it is something in their head!

It's a memory that once provided them safety. Now, this same memory is creating an unwanted effect. I will do everything I can to provide you with immediate relief and resolution without medication. - Tracy